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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu comp.lang.misc:12774 comp.sources.d:8908 comp.archives.admin:872 news.answers:4242
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!tamsun.tamu.edu!cs.utexas.edu!sun-barr!ames!agate!cogsci.Berkeley.EDU!muir
- From: muir@cogsci.berkeley.edu (David Muir Sharnoff)
- Newsgroups: comp.lang.misc,comp.sources.d,comp.archives.admin,news.answers
- Subject: Catalog of compilers, interpreters, and other language tools [part 1/2]
- Supersedes: <1992Oct20.051956.513@tfs.com>
- Followup-To: comp.archives.admin
- Date: 28 Nov 1992 07:43:25 GMT
- Organization: University of California, Berkeley
- Lines: 1341
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Distribution: world
- Expires: Sun, 28 Feb 1993 01:26:32 GMT
- Message-ID: <muir.freeComp.2.2.p1of2@cogsci.berkeley.edu>
- Reply-To: muir@cogsci.berkeley.edu
- NNTP-Posting-Host: cogsci.berkeley.edu
- Summary: montly posting of free language tools that include source code
- Originator: muir@cogsci.Berkeley.EDU
- Archive-name: free-compilers/part1
- Last-modified: 1992/11/27
- Version: 2.2
- Catalog of Free Compilers and Interpreters.
- This documents attempts to catalog freely availiable compilers,
- interpretors, libraries, and language tools. THIS IS STILL A DRAFT
- DOCUMENT: it has errors, it is not complete, and I might re-organize
- it. It is my intention that it be aimed at developers rather than
- researchers. I am much more intersted in production quality systems.
- There is some overlap of coverage between this document and other
- lists and catalogs. See the references section for a list...
- To be on this list a package must have source code included. If there
- are any packages on this list that do not have source code included,
- then I would appreciate it if it is brought to my attention so that
- I may correct the error.
- There are many fields filled in with a question mark (?). If you have
- information which would allow me to remove question marks, please
- send it to me. The only field which I do not expect to be completely
- obvious is the "parts" field because I wish to distinguish between
- compilers, translators, and interpretors. To qualify as a compiler
- as I'm using the term, it must compile to a machine-readable format
- no higher-level than assembly. Why? Just because. If you've
- got a better idea, send it in.
- I hope to post this once a month. I don't know if I will be able to.
- (Especially since I'm looking for a job... sigh)
- David Muir Sharnoff <muir@cogsci.berkeley.edu>, 11/27/92
- ------------------------- selected major changes ------------------------------
- Selected changes section
- language package
- -------- -------
- new listings:
- ANSI C cproto - protoizer
- ANSI C cextract - header file generator
- Lolli Lolli - logic programming interpreter
- Parallaxis Parallaxis - SIMD Modula-2 variant
- m4 GNU m4 - macro processor
- BNF ? T-gen - Smalltalk parser generator
- relational grammar rl - relation grammar parser
- BASIC bwbasic - interpreter
- BNF ? Marpa - perl parser generator
- Concurrent Clean Concurrent Clean - functional language
- new versions:
- BNC perl-byacc - perl parser generator
- C, C++ gdb - source-level debugger
- logo MswLogo - interpreter
- yacc Roskind Grammars - clean C, C++ grammars
- ici ici - simple interpreted language
- edits:
- SGML smgls - It's "SGML", not "SMGL"!
- IDL SunSoft OMG IDL CFE - better description
- J J from ISI - improved listing
- BNF Gray - improved listing
- MIT Scheme CScheme - improved listing
- yacc Yacc++ - removed, it is commercial
- references
- ----------
- Compilers bibliography - new listing
- ----------------------- selected blanks (you fill in) -------------------------
- package
- -------
- 'Tim Budd's C++ implementation of Kamin's interpreters' -- where is it?
- byacc - what is the master archive, how do you reach Robert Corbett?
- ATS (Attribute Translation System) - where do you get it?
- PCCTS (Purdue Compiler-Construction Tool Set) - where do you get it?
- franz lisp (free version) - where do you get it?
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------- tools -----------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- language: ABC
- package: ABC
- version: 1.04.01
- parts: ?
- author: Leo Geurts, Lambert Meertens,
- Steven Pemberton <Steven.Pemberton@cwi.nl>
- how to get: ftp programming/languages/abc/* from mcsun.eu.net or ftp.eu.net
- description: ABC is an imperative language embedded in its own
- environment. It is interactive, structured,
- high-level, very easy to learn, and easy to use.
- It is suitable for general everyday programming,
- such as you would use BASIC, Pascal, or AWK for.
- It is not a systems-programming language. It is an
- excellent teaching language, and because it is
- interactive, excellent for prototyping. ABC programs
- are typically very compact, around a quarter to a
- fifth the size of the equivalent Pascal or C program.
- However, this is not at the cost of readability,
- on the contrary in fact.
- references: "The ABC Programmer's Handbook" by Leo Geurts,
- Lambert Meertens and Steven Pemberton, published by
- Prentice-Hall (ISBN 0-13-000027-2)
- "An Alternative Simple Language and Environment for PCs"
- by Steven Pemberton, IEEE Software, Vol. 4, No. 1,
- January 1987, pp. 56-64.
- ports: unix, MSDOS, atari, mac
- contact: abc@cwi.nl
- updated: ?
- language: Ada
- package: Ada/Ed
- version: ?
- parts: translator(?), interpreter, ?
- author: ?
- how to get: ftp pub/Ada/Ada-Ed from cnam.cnam.fr
- description: Ada/Ed is a translator-interpreter for Ada. It is
- intended as a teaching tool, and does not have the
- capacity, performance, or robustness of commercial
- Ada compilers. Ada/Ed was developed at New York
- University, as part of a long-range project in
- language definition and software prototyping.
- conformance: last validated with version 1.7 of the ACVC tests.
- being an interpreter, it does not implement most
- representation clauses, and thus does not support systems
- programming close to the machine level.
- contact: ? Michael Feldman <mfeldman@cs.washington.edu> ?
- updated: ?
- language: Ada
- package: Ada grammar
- version: ?
- parts: scanner(lex), parser(yacc)
- how to get: ftp from primost.cs.wisc.edu or mail to
- compilers-server@iecc.cambridge.ma.us
- contact: masticol@dumas.rutgers.edu
- updated: 1991/10/12
- language: Ada
- package: Compiler for Toy/Ada in SML/NJ
- version: ?
- parts: translator(?)
- author: Amit Bhatiani <bhatiaa@polly.cs.rose-hulman.edu>
- how to get: ftp pub/compiler*.tar.Z from master.cs.rose-hulman.edy
- conformance: subset
- updated: 1992/04/08
- language: Ada
- package: NASA PrettyPrinter
- version: ?
- parts: Ada LR parser, ?
- how to get: ftp from Ada Software Repository on wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
- description: pretty-print program that contains an ada parser
- requires: Ada
- info-source: Michael Feldman <mfeldman@seas.gwu.edu> in comp.compilers
- [he also has a yacc grammar for ada]
- updated: 1991/02/01
- language: Ada
- package: yacc grammar for Ada
- version: ?
- parts: parser(yacc)
- author: Herman Fischer
- how to get: ftp PD2:<ADA.EXTERNAL-TOOLS>GRAM2.SRC
- from wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
- contact: ?
- updated: 1991/02/01
- language: Ada
- package: Paradise
- version: 2.0
- parts: library
- how to get: ftp pub/Ada/Paradise from cnam.cnam.fr
- author: ?
- description: Paradise is a subsystem (a set of packages) developped
- to implement inter-processes, inter-tasks and
- inter-machines communication for Ada programs in
- the Unix world. This subsystem gives the user full
- access to files, pipes, sockets (both Unix and
- Internet), and pseudo-devices.
- ports: Sun, Dec, Sony Mips, Verdex compiler, DEC compiler,
- Alsys/Systeam compiler
- contact: paradise-info@cnam.cnam.fr
- updated: 1992/09/30
- language: ALF (Algebraic Logic Functional programming language)
- package: alf
- version: ?
- parts: runtime, compiler(Warren Abstract Machine)
- author: Rudolf Opalla <opalla@julien.informatik.uni-dortmund.de>
- description: ALF is a language which combines functional and
- logic programming techniques. The foundation of
- ALF is Horn clause logic with equality which consists
- of predicates and Horn clauses for logic programming,
- and functions and equations for functional programming.
- Since ALF is an integration of both programming
- paradigms, any functional expression can be used
- in a goal literal and arbitrary predicates can
- occur in conditions of equations.
- updated: 1992/10/08
- language: Algol, Foogol
- package: foogol
- version: ?
- parts: compiler
- author: ?
- how to get: comp.sources.unix archive volume 8
- conformance: subset of Algol
- description: ?
- ports: VAX
- updated: ?
- language: APL
- package: J-mode
- what: add on to J
- parts: emacs macros
- how to get: ftp public/j/gmacs/j-interaction-mode.el from think.com
- updated: 1991/03/04
- language: APL
- package: I-APL
- how to get: ftp languages/apl/* from watserv1.waterloo.edu
- updated: 1992/07/06
- language: Assembler (8051)
- package: CAS: The Free Full-Featured 8051 Assembler
- version: ?
- parts: ?
- author: ? <markh@csd4.csd.uwm.edu>
- how to get: ftp /pub/8051/assem from csd4.csd.uwm.edu
- description; an experimental public domain one-pass assembler for the 8051
- portability: high
- ports: MSDOS, ?
- requries: ANSI-C compiler
- updated: 1992/08/13
- language: BASIC
- package: bwBASIC (Bywater BASIC interpreter)
- version: 1.10
- parts: interpreter, shell, ?
- how to get: ftp pub/bywater/* from duke.cs.duke.edu
- author: Ted A. Campbell <tcamp@acpub.duke.edu>
- description: ?
- conformance: large superset of ANSI Standard for Minimal BASIC (X3.60-1978)
- requires: ANSI C
- ports: DOS, Unix
- updated: 1992/11/05
- language: BASIC
- package: ? basic ?
- version: ?
- parts: paser(yacc), interpreter
- author: ?
- how to get: comp.sources.unix archives volume 2
- updated: ?
- language: BASIC
- package: ? bournebasic ?
- version: ?
- parts: interpreter
- author: ?
- how to get: comp.sources.misc archives volume 1
- description: ?
- updated: ?
- language: BASIC
- package: ? basic ?
- version: ?
- parts: interpreter
- author: ?
- how to get: ftp ? from wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
- description: ?
- contact: ?
- updated: ?
- language: BASIC
- package: ubasic
- version: 8
- parts: ?
- author: Yuji Kida
- how to get: ? ask archie ?
- references: reviewed in Notices of the A.M.S #36 (May/June 1989),
- and "A math-oriented high-precision BASIC", #38 (3/91)
- contact: ?
- updated: 1992/07/06
- language: BNF variant
- package: TXL: Tree Transformation Language
- version: 6.0
- parts: translator generator
- author: Jim Cordy <cordy@qucis.queensu.ca>
- how to get: ftp txl/00README for instructions from qusuna.qucis.queensu.ca
- description: + TXL is a generalized source-to-source translation
- system suitable for rapidly prototyping computer
- languages and language processors of any kind. It has
- been used to prototype several new programming
- languages as well as specification languages, command
- languages, and more traditional program transformation
- tasks such as constant folding, type inference, source
- optimization and reverse engineering. TXL takes
- as input an arbitrary context-free grammar in extended
- BNF-like notation, and a set of show-by-example
- transformation rules to be applied to inputs parsed
- using the grammar.
- updated: 1992/02/23
- language: BNF
- package: Grey
- version: 3
- parts: parser generator(Forth)
- author: Martin Anton Ertl <anton@mips.complang.tuwien.ac.at>
- how to get: author; version 2 is on various ftp sites
- description: Gray is a parser generator written in Forth. It takes
- grammars in an extended BNF and produces executable Forth
- code for recursive descent parsers. There is no special
- support for error handling.
- requires: Forth
- ports: TILE Release 2 by Mikael Patel
- updated: 1992/05/22
- language: BNF ??
- package: ZUSE
- version: ?
- parts: parser generator(?)
- author: Arthur Pyster
- how to get: ? Univ Calif at Santa Barbara ?
- description: ll(1) paser generator
- requires: Pascal
- updated: 1986/09/23
- language: BNF ??
- package: FMQ
- version: ?
- parts: paser generator w/error corrector generator
- author: Jon Mauney
- how to get: ftp from csczar.ncsu.edu
- status: ?
- contact: ?
- updated: 1990/03/31
- language: BNF ??
- package: ATS (Attribute Translation System)
- version: ?
- author: ? University of Saskatchewan ?
- how to get: ?
- description: generates table-driven LL(1) parsers with full insert-only
- error recovery. It also handles full left-attribute semantic
- handling, which is a dream compared to using YACC's parser
- actions.
- contact: ?
- info-source: Irving Reid <irving@bli.com> in comp.compilers
- status: ?
- updated: 1988/11/29
- language: BNF ??
- package: PCCTS (Purdue Compiler-Construction Tool Set)
- version: ?
- parts: ?
- how to get: ? ftp ?
- contact: ? Hank Dietz <hankd@ecn.purdue.edu> ?
- updated: ?
- language: BNF ??
- package: DEER
- version: ?
- parts: parser geneartor
- author: Bob Grey <bob@boulder.colorado.edu>
- description: LL(1) paser generator generates directly executable C,
- rather than a table-driven C machine.
- reference: Bob Grey, 1987 Summer Usenix proceedings.
- status: ?
- updated: 1988/11/29
- language: BNF ??
- package: LLGen
- version: ?
- parts: parser generator
- author: ? Fischer and LeBlanc ?
- how to get: ? ftp from csczar.ncsu.edu ?
- description: LL(1) parser generator
- conformance: subset of FMQ
- reference: "Crafting A Compiler", by Fischer and LeBlanc
- status: ?
- contact: ?
- updated: 1990/03/31
- language: BNF ????
- package: GMD Toolbox for Compiler Construction (aka Cocktail)
- version: ?
- how to get: ftp gmd/cocktail from ftp.gmd.de
- msdos: ftp pub/cocktail/dos from ftp.karlsruhe.gmd.de
- description: ?
- requires: DJ Delorie's DOS extender (go32)
- ports: msdos, unix, maybe os/2
- contact: ?
- msdos: grosch@karlsruhe.gmd.de
- updated: 1992/10/01
- language: BNF ????
- package: T-gen
- version: 2.1
- parts: parser generator, documentation, ?
- author: Justin Graver <graver@comm.mot.com>
- description: T-gen is a general-purpose object-oriented tool for the
- automatic generation of string-to-object translators.
- It is written in Smalltalk and lives in the Smalltalk
- programming environment. T-gen supports the generation
- of both top-down (LL) and bottom-up (LR) parsers, which
- will automatically generate derivation trees, abstract
- syntax trees, or arbitrary Smalltalk objects. The simple
- specification syntax and graphical user interface are
- intended to enhance the learning, comprehension, and
- usefulness of T-gen.
- ports: ParcPlace Objectworks/Smalltalk 4.0 & 4.1
- requires: Smalltalk-80
- language: Milarepa (BNF variant)
- package: Marpa
- parts: parser-generator, examples
- author: Jeffrey Kegler <jeffrey@algor2.ALGORISTS.COM>
- description: Milarepa is a program which uses a subset of Marpa's
- capabilities to take a file of BNF and associated
- actions (in Perl!), and parse them into a Perl program
- which parses its input standard, performing the
- actions.
- This is intended to be a real hacker's parser. It is
- not restricted to LR(k), and the parse logic follows
- directly from the BNF. It handles ambiguous grammars,
- ambiguous tokens (tokens which were not positively
- identified by the lexer) and allows the programmer to
- change the start symbol. There is no fixed distinction
- between terminals and non-terminals, that is, a symbol
- can both match the input AND be on the left hand side
- of a production. Multiple Marpa grammars are allowed
- in a single perl program. The grammar is extensible.
- The BNF may have productions added (or, as an
- extension, deleted) after parsing has begun.
- The grammar may not be left recursive. The input must
- be divided into sentences of a finite maximum length.
- requires: perl, C
- updated: 1992/11/06
- parts: ?
- description: ?
- requires: MSDOS: DJ Delorie's DOS extender (go32)
- contact: Josef Grosch <grosch@karlsruhe.gmd.de>
- ports: MSDOS, maybe OS/2, Unix
- language: Bourne Shell
- package: bash (Bourne Again SHell)
- version: 1.12
- parts: parser(yacc), interpreter, documentation
- how to get: ftp bash-1.12.tar.Z from a GNU archive site
- author: Brian Fox <bfox@vision.ucsb.edu>
- description: ?
- restriction: CopyLeft
- bugs: gnu.bash.bug
- updated: 1992/01/28
- language: C
- package: xdbx
- version: 2.1
- parts: X11 front end for dbx
- how to get: retrieve xxgdb from comp.sources.x volumes 11, 12, 13, 14, & 16
- contact: Po Cheung <cheung@sw.mcc.com>
- updated: 1992/02/22
- language: C
- package: ups
- version: 2.1
- parts: interpreter, symbolic debugger, tests, documentation
- how to get: ? ftp from contrib/ups*.tar.Z from export.lcs.mit.edu ?
- author: Mark Russell <mtr@ukc.ac.uk>
- description: Ups is a source level C debugger that runs under X11 or
- SunView. Ups includes a C interpreter which allows you to add
- fragments of code simply by editing them into the source window.
- ports: Sun, Decstation, VAX(ultrix), HLH Clipper
- discussion: ups-users-request@ukc.ac.uk
- bugs: Mark Russell <mtr@ukc.ac.uk>
- updated: 1991/05/20
- language: C (ANSI)
- package: lcc
- version: 1.8
- parts: compiler, test suite, documentation
- author: Dave Hanson <drh@cs.princeton.edu>
- how to get: ftp pub/lcc/lccfe-*.tar.Z from princeton.edu
- description: + hand coded C parser (faster than yacc)
- + retargetable
- + code "as good as GCC"
- ports: vax (mips, sparc, 68k backends are commercial)
- status: small-scale production use using commerical backends; the
- commercial backends are cheap (free?) to universities.
- discussion: lcc-requests@princeton.edu
- updated: 1992/02/20
- language: C
- package: smallc
- version: ?
- parts: compiler
- author: ?
- how to get: comp.sources.unix volume 5
- description: ?
- conformance: ?
- ports: 68k, 6809, VAX, 8080
- updated: ?
- language: C
- package: GCT
- version: 1.3
- parts: test-coverage-preprocessor
- author: Brian Marick <marick@m.cs.uiuc.edu>
- how to get: ftp pub/testing/GCT.README from cs.uiuc.edu
- description: GCT is test-coverage tool based on GNU C. Coverage tools
- measure how thoroughly a test suite exercises a program.
- restriction: CopyLeft
- discussion: gct-request@ernie.cs.uiuc.edu
- support: commercial support available from author, (217) 351-7228
- ports: sun3, sun4, rs/6000, 68k, 88k, hp-pa, ibm 3090,
- ultrix, convex, sco
- updated: 1992/06/27
- language: C
- package: Harvest C
- version: 2.1
- ports: Macintosh
- how to get: ftp mac/development/languages/harves* from archive.umich.edu
- description: ?
- contact: Eric W. Sink
- updated: 1992/05/26
- language: C++
- package: ET++
- parts: class libraries, documentation
- how to get: ftp C++/ET++/* or pub/* from iamsun.unibe.ch
- contact: Erich Gamma <gamma@ifi.unizh.ch>
- updated: 1992/10/26
- language: C++
- package: C++ grammar
- how to get: comp.sources.misc volume 25
- parts: parser(yacc)
- updated: 1991/10/23
- language: C++
- package: COOL
- version: ?
- parts: libraries, tests, documentation
- how to get: ftp ? from cs.utexas.edu
- description: A C++ class library developed at Texas Instruments. Cool
- contains a set of containers like Vectors, List, Has_Table,
- etc. It uses a shallow hierarchy with no common base
- class. The funtionality is close to Common Lisp data
- structures (like libg++). The template syntax is very close
- to Cfront3.x and g++2.x. Can build shared libraries on Suns.
- contact: Van-Duc Nguyen <nguyen@crd.ge.com>
- ports: ?
- updated: 1992/08/05
- language: C++, Extended C++
- package: EC++
- version: ?
- parts: translator(C++), documentation
- author: Glauco Masotti <masotti@lipari.usc.edu>
- how to get: ? ftp languages/c++/EC++.tar.Z from ftp.uu.net ?
- description: EC++ is a preprocessor that translates Extended C++
- into C++. The extensions include:
- + preconditions, postconditions, and class invariants
- + parameterized classes
- + exception handling
- + garbage collection
- status: ?
- updated: 1989/10/10
- language: C (ANSI)
- package: ? 1984 ANSI C to K&R C preprocessor ?
- version: ?
- parts: translator(K&R C)
- author: ?
- how to get: from comp.sources.unix archive volume 1
- status: ?
- updated: ?
- language: C (ANSI)
- package: unproto ?
- version: ? 4 ? 1.6 ?
- parts: translator(K&R C)
- author: Wietse Venema <wietse@wzv.win.tue.nl>
- how to get: ftp pub/unix/unproto4.shar.Z from ftp.win.tue.nl
- contact: ?
- updated: ?
- language: C (ANSI)
- package: cproto
- version: ?
- parts: translator(K&R C)
- author: Chin Huang <chin.huang@canrem.com>
- how to get: from comp.sources.misc archive volume 29
- description: cproto generates function prototypes from function definitions.
- It can also translate function definition heads between K&R
- style and ANSI C style.
- ports: UNIX, MS-DOS
- updated: 1992/07/18
- langauge: C (ANSI)
- package: cextract
- version: 1.7
- parts: translator(K&R C), header file generator
- how to get: ftp from any comp.sources.reviewed archive
- author: Adam Bryant <adb@cs.bu.edu>
- description: A C prototype extractor, it is ideal for generating
- header files for large multi-file C programs, and will
- provide an automated method for generating all of the
- prototypes for all of the functions in such a program.
- It may also function as a rudimentary documentation
- extractor, generating a sorted list of all functions
- and their locations
- ports: Unix, VMS
- updated: 1992/11/03
- language: C, ANSI C, C++
- package: ? The Roskind grammars ?
- version: ? 2.0 ?
- parts: parser(yacc), documenation
- author: Jim Roskind <jar@hq.ileaf.com>
- how to get: ftp pub/*grammar* from ics.uci.edu
- description: The C grammar is CLEAN, it does not use %prec, %assoc, and
- has only one shift-reduce conflict. The C++ grammar has
- a few conflicts.
- status: ?
- updated: 1989/12/26
- language: C, C++
- package: xxgdb
- version: 1.06
- parts: X11 front end for gdb
- how to get: retrieve xxgdb from comp.sources.x volumes 11, 12, 13, 14, & 16
- contact: Pierre Willard <pierre@la.tce.com>
- updated: 1992/02/22
- language: C, C++
- package: gdb
- version: 4.7
- parts: symbolic debugger, documentation
- how to get: ftp gdb-4.5.tar.Z from a GNU archive site
- author: many, but most recently Stu Grossman <grossman@cygnus.com>
- and John Gilmore <gnu@cygnus.com>
- ports: most unix variants, vms, vxworks, amiga, msdos
- bugs: gnu.gdb.bug
- discussion: ?
- restriction: CopyLeft
- updated: 1992/11/01
- language: C, C++, Objective C
- package: emx programming environment for OS/2
- parts: gcc, g++, gdb, libg++, .obj linkage, DLL, headers
- how to get: ftp pub/os2/2.0/programing/emx-0.8e from ftp-os2.nmsu.edu
- author: Kai-Uwe Rommel <rommel@Informatik.TU-Muenchen.DE>
- updated: 1992/09/21
- language: C, nroff
- package: c2man
- version: 1.1
- parts: documentation generator (C -> nroff -man)
- how to get: alt.sources archive
- author: Graham Stoney <greyham@research.canon.oz.au>
- description: c2man is a program for generating Unix style manual pages in
- nroff -man format directly from ordinary comments embedded
- in C source code
- updated: 1992/07/10
- language: C-Refine, C++-Refine, *-Refine
- package: crefine
- version: 3.0
- parts: pre-processor, documentation
- how to get: aquire from any comp.sources.reviewed archive
- author: Lutz Prechelt <prechelt@ira.uka.de>
- description: C-Refine is a preprocessor for C and languages that
- vaguely resemble C's syntax. It allows symbolic naming
- of code fragments so as to redistribute complexity and
- provide running commentary.
- portability: high
- ports: unix, msdos, atari, amiga.
- updated: 1992/07/16
- language: CAML (Categorical Abstract Machine Language)
- package: CAML
- version: 3.1
- parts: ?
- author: ?
- description: CAML is a language belonging to the ML family including:
- + lexical binding discipline
- + static type inference
- + user-defined (sum and product) types
- + possibly lazy data structures
- + possibly mutable data structures
- + interface with the Yacc parser generator
- + pretty-printing tools
- + and a complete library.
- how to get: ? ftp lang/caml from nuri.inria.fr ?
- status: ?
- discussion: ?
- ports: Sun-3 Sun-4 Sony-68k Sony-R3000 Decstation Mac-A/UX Apollo
- portability: ?
- bugs: weis@margaux.inria.fr or caml@margaux.inria.fr
- updated: ?
- language: Caml Light
- package: Caml Light
- version: 0.4
- how to get: ftp lang/caml-light/* from nuri.inria.fr
- author: Xavier Leroy <xleroy@margaux.inria.fr>
- parts: bytecode compiler, runtime, scanner generator, parser generator
- ports: most unix, Macintosh, Amiga, MSDOS
- conformance: subset of CAML
- features: very small
- performance: five to ten times slower than SML-NJ
- portability: very high
- contact: Xavier Leroy <xleroy@margaux.inria.fr>
- updated: 1991/10/05
- language: Candle, IDL (Interface Description Language)
- package: Scorpion System
- version: 5.0
- author: University of Arizona
- parts: software development environment for developing
- software development environments, documentation
- how to get: ftp scorpion/* from cs.arizona.edu
- description: 20 tools that can be used to construct specialized
- programming environments
- history: The Scorpion Project was started by Prof. Richard
- Snodgrass as an outgrowth of the SoftLab Project (which pro-
- duced the IDL Toolkit) that he started when he was at the
- University of North Carolina. The Scorpion Project is
- directed by him at the University of Arizona and by Karen
- Shannon at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- reference: "The Interface Description Language: Definition and Use,"
- by Richard Snodgrass, Computer Science Press, 1989,
- ISBN 0-7167-8198-0
- ports: Sun-3, Sun-4, Vax, Decstation, NeXT, Sequent, HP9000
- discussion: info-scorpion-request@cs.arizona.edu
- contact: scorpion-project@cs.arizona.edu
- updated: 1991/04/10
- language: Common Lisp
- package: CMU Common Lisp
- version: 16e
- parts: compiler, runtime, documentation, editor
- author: ?
- how to get: ftp *-source.tar.Z from ftp.cs.cmu.edu. precompiled versions
- also available
- description: includes macs-like editor (hemlock), pcl, and clx.
- ports: sparc, mips
- contact: slisp@cs.cmu.edu
- updated: 1992/09/01
- language: Common Lisp
- package: PCL (Portable Common Loops)
- version: 8/28/92 PCL
- parts: library
- author: ? Richard Harris <rharris@ptolemy2.rdrc.rpi.edu> ?
- how to get: ftp pcl/* from parcftp.xerox.com
- description: A portable CLOS implementation. CLOS is the object oriented
- programming standard for Common Lisp. Based on Symbolics
- FLAVORS and Xerox LOOPS, among others. Loops stands for
- Lisp Object Oriented Programming System.
- status: ?
- ports: Lucid CL 4.0.1, CMUCL 16e, ?
- updated: 1992/09/02
- language: Common Lisp
- package: WCL
- version: ?
- parts: ?, shared library runtime, source debugger
- author: Wade Hennessey <wade@leland.Stanford.EDU>
- how to get: ftp ? from sunrise.stanford.edu
- description: A common lisp implementation as a shared library. WCL
- Is not a 100% complete Common Lisp, but it does have
- the full development environment including dynamic file
- loading and debugging. A modified version of GDB provides
- mixed-language debugging. A paper describing WCL was
- published in the proceedings of the 1992 Lisp and Functional
- Programming Conference.
- contact: Wade Hennessey <wade@leland.Stanford.EDU>
- ports: Sun sparc.
- updated: 1992/09/29
- language: CommonLisp
- package: KCL (Kyoto Common Lisp)
- parts: translator(C), interpretor
- how to get: ? ftp pub/kcl*.tar.Z from rascal.ics.utexas.edu ?
- author: T. Yuasa and M. Hagiya (working under R. Nakajima) at the
- description: KCL, Kyoto Common Lisp, is an implementation of Lisp,
- It is written in the language C to run under Un*x-like
- operating systems. KCL is very C-oriented; for example,
- the compilation of Lisp functions in KCL involves a
- subsidiary C compilation.
- conformance: conforms to the book ``Common Lisp: The Language,''
- G. Steele, et al., Digital Press, 1984.
- contact: yuasa@tutics.tut.ac.jp hagiya@kurims.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp
- discussion: kcl-request@cli.com
- bugs: kcl@cli.com
- updated: 1987/06
- language: CommonLisp
- package: AKCL (Austin Kyoto Common Lisp)
- version: 1-600
- parts: patches to KCL
- how to get: ftp pub/akcl-*.tar.Z from rascal.ics.utexas.edu
- author: Bill Schelter <wfs@rascal.ics.utexas.edu>
- description: AKCL is a collection of ports, bug fixes, and
- performance improvements to KCL.
- ports: Decstation3100, HP9000/300, i386/sysV, IBM-PS2/aix, IBM-RT/aix
- SGI Sun-3/Sunos[34].* Sun-4 Sequent-Symmetry IBM370/aix,
- VAX/bsd VAX/ultrix
- updated: 1991/09/17
- language: CommonLisp
- package: CLX
- version: 5.01
- parts: library
- how to get: ftp contrib/CLX.R5.01.tar.Z from export.lcs.mit.edu
- description: CommonLisp binding for X
- contact: ?
- ports: ?, CMU Common Lisp
- bugs: bug-clx@expo.lcs.mit.edu
- updated: 1992/08/26
- language: CommonLisp
- package: CLISP
- version: ?
- parts: interpreter, translator?, library
- how to get: ftp pub/lisp/clisp/linux/* from
- ma2s2.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de
- author: Bruno Haible <haible@haible@ma2s2.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de>
- description: runs in only 1.5MB of memory
- ports: Sun4, Linix, DOS, Atari
- conformance: CLISP is mostly CLtL1 compliant. It implements 99% of the
- standard
- restriction: not all source included
- updated: 1992/10/11
- language: Concurrent Clean
- package: The Concurrent Clean System
- version: 0.8.1
- parts: development environment, documentation, compiler(byte-code),
- compiler(native), interpreter(byte-code), examples
- how to get: ftp pub/Clean/* from ftp.cs.kun.nl
- author: Research Institute for Declarative Systems, University of Nijmegen
- description: The Concurrent Clean system is a programming
- environment for the functional language Concurrent
- Clean, developed at the University of Nijmegen, The
- Netherlands. The system is one of the fastest
- implementations of functional languages available at
- the moment. Its I/O libraries make it possible to do
- modern, yet purely functional I/O (including windows,
- menus, dialogs etc.) in Concurrent Clean. With the
- Concurrent Clean system it is possible to develop
- real-life applications in a purely functional
- language.
- * lazy and purely functional
- * strongly typed - based on Milner/Mycroft scheme
- * module structure
- * modern I/O
- * programmer-infulenced evaluation order by annotations
- contact: clean@cs.kun.nl
- ports: Sun-3, Sun-4, Macintosh
- updated: 1992/11/07
- language: CLP (Constraint Logic Programming language)
- package: CLP(R)
- version: 1.2
- parts: runtime, compiler(byte-code), contstraint solver
- author: IBM
- how to get: mail to Joxan Jaffar <joxan@watson.ibm.com>
- description: CLP(R) is a constraint logic programming language
- with real-arithmetic constraints. The implementation
- contains a built-in constraint solver which deals
- with linear arithmetic and contains a mechanism
- for delaying nonlinear constraints until they become
- linear. Since CLP(R) subsumes PROLOG, the system
- is also usable as a general-purpose logic programming
- language. There are also powerful facilities for
- meta programming with constraints. Significant
- CLP(R) applications have been published in diverse
- areas such as molecular biology, finance, physical
- modelling, etc.
- We are distributing CLP(R) in order to help widen the use
- of constraint programming, and to solicit feedback on the system
- restriction: free for academic and research purposes only
- contact: Roland Yap <roland@bruce.cs.monash.edu.au>, Joxan Jaffar
- ports: unix, msdos, OS/2
- updated: 1992/10/14
- language: csh (C-Shell)
- package: tcsh
- version: 6.02
- parts: interpreter
- author: Christos Zoulas <christos@ee.cornell.edu>
- how to get: ?
- description: a modified C-Shell with history editing
- updated: 1992/05/17
- language: Dylan
- pakcage: Thomas
- version: ? first public release ?
- parts: translator(Scheme)
- how to get: ftp pub/DEC/Thomas from gatekeeper.pa.dec.com
- author: Matt Birkholz <Birkholz@crl.dec.com>, Jim Miller <JMiller@crl.dec.com>,
- Ron Weiss <RWeiss@crl.dec.com>
- description: Thomas, a compiler written at Digital Equipment
- Corporation's Cambridge Research Laboratory compiles
- a language compatible with the language described
- in the book "Dylan(TM) an object-oriented dynamic
- language" by Apple Computer Eastern Research and
- Technology, April 1992. It does not perform well.
- Thomas is NOT Dylan(TM).
- ports: MIT's CScheme, DEC's Scheme->C, Marc Feeley's Gambi, Mac, PC,
- Vax, MIPS, Alpha, 680x0
- requires: Scheme
- updated: 1992/09/11
- language: EDIF (Electronic Design Interchange Format)
- package: Berkeley EDIF200
- version: 7.6
- parts: translator-building toolkit
- author: Wendell C. Baker and Prof A. Richard Newton of the Electronics
- Research Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering and
- Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley, CA.
- how to get: ftp from pub/edif in ic.berkeley.edu
- description: ?
- ports: ?
- restriction: no-profit w/o permission
- updated: 1990/07
- language: EDIF v 2 0 101
- package: University of Manchester EDIF v 2 0 101 Syntax Checker
- how to get: ftp pub/edif from edif.cs.man.ac.uk
- description: Parser/Syntax checker for EDIF v 2 0 101 written in ANSI-C
- language: EuLisp
- package: Feel (Free and Eventually Eulisp)
- version: 0.75
- parts: interpreter, documentation
- how to get: ftp pub/eulisp from ftp.bath.ac.uk
- author: Pete Broadbery <pab@maths.bath.ac.uk>
- description: + integrated object system
- + a module system
- + parallelism
- + interfaces to PVM library, tcp/ip sockets, futures,
- Linda, and CSP.
- ports: most unix
- portability: high, but can use shared memory and threads if available
- updated: 1992/09/14
- language: FMPL of Accardi
- package: FMPL interpreter
- version: 1
- parts: interpreter, documentation
- author: Jon Blow <blojo@xcf.berkeley.edu>
- how to get: ftp src/local/fmpl/* from xcf.berkeley.edu
- description: FMPL is an experimental prototype-based object-oriented
- programming language developed at the Experimental Computing
- Facility of the University of California, Berkeley.
- + lambda-calculus based constructs.
- + event-driven (mainly I/O events)
- updated: 1992/06/02
- language: FORTH
- package: TILE Forth
- version: 2.1
- parts: interpreter
- author: Mikael Patel <mip@sectra.se>
- how to get: ftp tile-forth-2.1.tar.Z from a GNU archive site
- description: Forth interpreter in C; many Forth libraries
- conformance: Forth83
- restriction: shareware/GPL
- ports: unix
- updated: 1991/11/13
- language: FORTH
- package: cforth
- version: ?
- parts: interpreter
- author: ?
- how to get: comp.sources.unix archive volume 1
- description: ?
- updated: ?
- language: Forth, Yerk
- package: Yerk
- version: 3.62
- parts: ?
- how to get: ftp pub/Yerk/? from oddjob.uchicago.edu
- description: Yerk is an object oriented language based on a
- Forth Kernel with some major modifications. It
- was originally known as Neon, developed and sold
- as a product by Kriya Systems from 1985 to 1989.
- Several of us at The University of Chicago have
- maintained Yerk since its demise as a product.
- Because of the possible trademark conflict that
- Kriya mentions, we picked the name Yerk, which is
- at least not an acronym for anything, but rather
- stands for Yerkes Observatory, part of the Department
- of Astronomy and Astrophysics at U of C.
- author: ?
- updated: ?
- language: Fortran
- package: f2c
- version: ?
- parts: translator(C)
- author: ?
- how to get: ftp ft2/? from netlib@research.att.com
- bugs: dmg@research.att.com
- updated: ? 1991/02/16 ?
- language: Fortran
- package: Floppy
- version: ?
- how to get: ffccc in comp.sources.misc archive volume 12
- description: ?
- contact: ?
- updated: 1992/08/04
- language: Fortran
- package: Flow
- version: ?
- parts: ?
- how to get: comp.sources.misc archive volume 31
- author: Julian James Bunn <julian@vxcrna.cxern.ch>
- descripton: The Flow program is a companion to Floppy, it allows the user
- to produce various reports on the structure of Fortran
- 77 code, such as flow diagrams and common block tables.
- requires: Floppy
- ports: VMS, Unix, CMS
- language: Fortran
- package: Adaptor (Automatic DAta Parallelism TranslatOR)
- version: ?
- parts: translator(Fortran), documentation
- how to get: ftp gmd/adaptor/* from ftp.gmd.de
- description: Adaptor is a tool that transforms data parallel
- programs written in Fortran with array extensions,
- parallel loops, and layout directives to parallel
- programs with explicit message passing.
- ADAPTOR is not a compiler but a source to source
- transformation that generates Fortran 77 host and
- node programs with message passing. The new
- generated source codes have to be compiled by the
- compiler of the parallel machine.
- ports: Alliant FX/2800, iPSC/860, Net of Sun-4 or RS/6000
- Workstations (based on PVM), Parsytec GCel, Meiko Concerto
- contact: Thomas Brandes <brandes@gmdzi.gmd.de>
- updated: 1992/10/17
- language: FP
- package: ? funcproglang ?
- version: ?
- parts: translator(C)
- author: ?
- how to get: comp.sources.unix archive volume 13
- descrition: ? Backus Functional Programming ?
- updated: ?
- language: Garnet ??
- package: Garnet
- version: 2.1 alpha
- how to get: ftp from /usr/garnet/? from a.gp.cs.cmu.edu
- description: ?
- contact: ?
- updated: ?
- language: Garnet
- package: Multi-Garnet
- version: 2.1
- how to get: ftp /usr/garnet/alpha/src/contrib/multi-garnet from a.gp.cs.cmu.edu
- author: Michael Sannella <sannella@cs.washington.edu>
- description: better contstraint system for Garnet ??
- updated: 1992/09/21
- language: Gofer (Haskell derivitive)
- package: Gofer
- version: 2.23
- parts: interpreter, documentation, examples
- author: Mark Jones <jones-mark@cs.yale.edu>
- how to get: ftp pub/haskell/gofer from nebula.cs.yale.edu
- uk: pub/Packages/Gofer from ftp.comlab.ox.ac.uk
- conformances: Gofer does not implement all of Haskell, although it is
- very close.
- ports: many, including Sun, PC, Mac, Atari, Amiga
- updated: 1992/09/05
- language: Haskell
- package: Chalmers Haskell (aka Haskell B.)
- version: ?
- parts: ?
- how to get: ftp pub/haskell/chalmers/hbc from animal.cs.chalmers.se
- requires: LML
- contact: ?
- updated: 1992/07/06
- language: Hermes
- package: IBM Watson prototype Hermes system
- version: 0.8alpha patchlevel 01
- parts: bytecode compiler, bytecode translator(C), runtime
- author: Andy Lowry <lowry@watson.ibm.com>
- how to get: ftp pub/hermes/README from software.watson.ibm.com
- description: Hermes is a very-high-level integrated language and
- system for implementation of large systems and
- distributed applications, as well as for
- general-purpose programming. It is an imperative,
- strongly typed, process-oriented language. Hermes
- hides distribution and heterogeneity from the
- programmer. The programmer sees a single abstract
- machine containing processes that communicate using
- calls or sends. The compiler, not the programmer,
- deals with the complexity of data structure layout,
- local and remote communication, and interaction with
- the operating system. As a result, Hermes programs are
- portable and easy to write. Because the programming
- paradigm is simple and high level, there are many
- opportunities for optimization which are not present in
- languages which give the programmer more direct control
- over the machine.
- reference: Strom, Bacon, Goldberg, Lowry, Yellin, Yemini. Hermes: A
- Language for Distributed Computing. Prentice-Hall, Englewood
- Cliffs, NJ. 1991. ISBN: O-13-389537-8.
- ports: RS6000 Sun-4 NeXT IBM-RT/bsd4.3 (Sun-3 and Convex soon)
- discussion: comp.lang.hermes
- updated: 1992/03/22
- language: Hope
- package: ?
- parts: ?
- how to get: ftp ? from brolga.cc.uq.oz.au
- author: ?
- description: Functional language with polymorphic types and lazy lists.
- First language to use call-by-pattern.
- ports: Unix, Mac, PC
- updated: 1992/11/27
- language: ici
- package: ici
- parts: interpreter, documentation, examples
- author: Tim Long
- how to get: ftp pub/ici.cpio.Z from extro.ucc.su.oz.au
- description: ICI has dynamic arrays, structures and typing with the flow
- control constructs, operators and syntax of C. There are
- standard functions to provided the sort of support provided
- by the standard I/O and the C libraries, as well as addi-
- tional types and functions to support common needs such as
- simple data bases and character based screen handling.
- ports: Sun4, 80x86 Xenix, NextStep, MSDOS
- features: + direct access to many system calls
- + structures, safe pointers, floating point
- + simple, non-indexed built in database
- + terminal-based windowing library
- contact: ?
- portability: high
- status: actively developed.
- updated: 1992/11/10
- language: Icon
- package: icon
- version: 8.7 (8.5, 8.0 depending on platform)
- parts: interpreter, compiler (some platforms), library
- author: Ralph Griswold <ralph@CS.ARIZONA.EDU>
- how to get: ftp icon/* from cs.arizona.edu
- description: Icon is a high-level, general purpose programming language that
- contains many features for processing nonnumeric data,
- particularly for textual material consisting of string of
- characters.
- - no packages, one name-space
- - no exceptions
- + object oiented features
- + records, sets, lists, strings, tables
- + unlimited line length
- - unix interface is primitive
- + co-expressions
- references: "The Icon Programmming Language", Ralph E. Griswold and
- Madge T. Griswold, Prentice Hall, seond edition, 1990.
- "The Implementation of the Icon Programmming Language",
- Ralph E. Griswold and Madge T. Griswold, Princeton
- University Press 1986
- ports: Amiga, Atari, CMS, Macintosh, Macintosh/MPW, MSDOS, MVS, OS/2,
- Unix (most variants), VMS
- discussion: comp.lang.icon
- contact: icon-project@cs.arizona.edu
- updated: 1992/08/21
- language: IDL (Project DOE's Interface Definition Language)
- package: SunSoft OMG IDL CFE
- version: 1.0
- parts: compiler front end, documentation
- author: SunSoft Inc.
- how to get: ftp pub/OMG_IDL_CFE_1.0 from omg.org
- description: OMG's (Object Management Group) CORBA 1.1 (Common
- Object Request Broker Architecture) specification
- provides the standard interface definition between
- OMG-compliant objects. IDL (Interface Definition
- Language) is the base mechanism for object
- interaction. The SunSoft OMG IDL CFE (Compiler Front
- End) provides a complete framework for building CORBA
- 1.1-compliant preprocessors for OMG IDL. To use
- SunSoft OMG IDL CFE, you must write a back-end; full
- instructions are included. No problem. A complete
- compiler of IDL would translate IDL into client side
- and server side routines for remote communication in
- the same manner as the currrent Sun RPCL compiler. The
- additional degree of freedom that the IDL compiler
- front end provides is that it allows integration of new
- back ends which can translate IDL to various
- programming languages. Locally at Sun we are working on
- a back end that will produce C and C++, and we know of
- companies (members of OMG) that are interested in other
- target languages such as Pascal or Lisp.
- contact: idl-cfe@sun.com
- updated: 1992/10/23
- language: IFP (Illinois Functional Programming)
- package: ifp
- version: 0.5
- parts: interpreter
- author: Arch D. Robison <robison@shell.com>
- how to get: comp.sources.unix archive volume 10
- description: A variant of Backus' "Functional Programming" language
- with a syntax reminiscent of Modula-2. The interpreter
- is written in portable C.
- references: [1] Arch D. Robison, "Illinois Functional Programming: A
- Tutorial," BYTE, (February 1987), pp. 115--125.
- [2] Arch D. Robison, "The Illinois Functional Programming
- Interpreter," Proceedings of 1987 SIGPLAN Conference on
- Interpreters and Interpretive Techniques, (June 1987), pp. 64-73
- ports: UNIX, MS-DOS, CTSS (Cray)
- updated: ?
- language: INTERCAL
- package: ?
- version: ?
- how to get: archie?
- description: ?
- contact: ?
- updated: ?
- language: J
- package: J from ISI
- version: 6
- parts: ?, tutorial
- how to get: ftp languages/apl/j/* from watserv1.waterloo.edu
- author: Kenneth E. Iverson and Roger Hui <hui@yrloc.ipsa.reuter.com>
- ports: Dec, NeXT, SGI, Sun-3, Sun-4, VAX, RS/6000, MIPS, Mac,
- IBM-PC, Atari, 3b1, Amiga
- updated: 1992/10/31
- language: Janus
- package: qdjanus
- version: 1.3
- parts: translator(prolog)
- author: Saumya Debray <debray@cs.arizona.edu>
- how to get: ftp janus/qdjanus/* from cs.arizona.edu
- conformance: mostly compliant with "Programming in Janus" by
- Saraswat, Kahn, and Levy.
- description: janus is a janus-to-prolog compiler meant to be used
- with Sicstus Prolog
- updated: 1992/05/18
- language: Janus
- package: jc
- version: 1.50 alpha
- parts: translator(C)
- author: David Gudeman <gudeman@cs.arizona.edu>
- how to get: ftp janus/jc/* from cs.arizona.edu
- description: jc is a janus-to-C compiler (considerably faster than qdjanus).
- jc is a _sequential_ implementation of a _concurrent_ language.
- status: jc is an experimental system, undergoing rapid development.
- It is in alpha release currently.
- bugs: jc-bugs@cs.arizona.edu
- discussion: janusinterest-request@parc.xerox.com
- ports: sun-4, sun-3, Sequent Symmetry
- updated: 1992/06/09
- language: Kevo
- package: kevo
- version: 0.9b2
- parts: ?, demo programs, user's guid, papers
- author: Antero Taivalsaari <antero@csr.uvic.ca>
- how to get: ftp /ursa/kevo/* from ursamajor.uvic.ca
- description: Experimental prototype-based object-oriented system.
- Although the Kevo system has been built to experiment
- with ideas which are somewhat irrelevant from the
- viewpoint of Forth, the system does bear some
- resemblance to Forth; in particular, the system
- executes indirect threaded code, and a great deal
- of the primitives are similar to those of Forth's.
- ports: Macintosh ('020 or better)
- contact: kevo-interest@ursamajor.uvic.ca
- updated: 1992/09/21
- language: Lambda-Prolog
- package: Prolog/Mali (PM)
- version: ? 6/23/92 ?
- parts: translator(C), linker, libraries, runtime, documentation
- how to get: ftp pm/* from ftp.irisa.fr
- author: Pascal Brisset <brisset@irisa.fr>
- description: Lambda-Prolog, a logic programming language defined by
- Miller, is an extension of Prolog where terms are
- simply typed $\lambda$terms and clauses are higher
- order hereditary Harrop formulas. The main novelties
- are universal quantification on goals and implication.
- references: + Miller D.A. and Nadathur G. "Higher-order logic programming",
- 3rd International Conference on Logic Programming, pp 448-462,
- London 1986.
- + Nadathur G. "A Higher-Order Logic as a Basis for Logic
- Programming", Thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1987.
- requires: MALI-V06 abstract memory. MALI is available by anonymous ftp
- from ftp.irisa.fr
- ports: unix
- discussion: prolog-mali-request@irisa.fr
- contact: pm@irisa.fr
- updated: 1992/07/06
- language: lex
- package: flex
- version: 2.3.7
- parts: scanner generator
- how to get: ftp flex-2.3.7.tar.Z from a GNU archive site or ftp.ee.lbl.gov
- author: Vern Paxson <vern@ee.lbl.gov>
- updated: 1992/10/20